About Us

NW Integrative Medicine is owned and operated by Stephen Smith, M.D., who is an integrative functional medicine physician with 40+ years of experience.


Our Story

After becoming a doctor, Stephen fell ill to some unknown and puzzling symptoms. Conventional medicine repeatedly attempted to treat the symptoms but could not get to the root cause of the illnesses. Stephen learned how to heal himself naturally, through integrative medicine. He has been a Medical Doctor in Integrative Functional medicine and who specializes in Allergy & Environmental Medicine. He opened his private medical practice in 1983, but he didn't stop there.

He is passionate about helping others, and with that in mind, he created Agape Nutrition in 1998 to work along side his medical practice in helping patients. Agape Nutrition is his nutrition company offering all forms of professional supplements and physician formulated alternative supplements and integrative medicines.

He enjoys sharing the knowledge he gained from his personal health journey, through his educational outlets and social media. He strives in educating others on how to heal, and create a healthy lifestyle with natural supplements and remedies. He wanted to ensure that everyone had access to essential health resources and integrative knowledge of healing naturally, while utilizing the same supplements that helped him heal.




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