NW Integrative Medicine: Long Haul Covid-19 Therapy, Covid-19 Services, Kennewick WA, Tri-Cities WA Since 1985 NW Integrative Medicine: Long Haul Covid-19 Therapy, Covid-19 Services, Kennewick WA, Tri-Cities WA Since 1985
Recover, Restore, Reenergize

Long Haul
Covid-19 Therapy

Therapy Providing Relief & Healing

Fights Glutathione Deficiency

Fights Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Fights Mitochondrial Insufficiency

Long Haul Covid-19
What Are The Symptoms?

Symptoms can vary widely and may affect different parts of the body.

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Heart palpitations or racing heartbeat
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea or diarrhea
  • Other less common symptoms include skin rashes, hair loss, and autoimmune-like symptoms.
NW Integrative Medicine: Covid-19 Natural Supplement & Protocol & Services, Long Haul Covid-19 Therapy, Kennewick WA, Tri-Cities WA Since 1985

Long Haul & Covid-19

Custom IV Therapy & Supplement Protocol

We have designed our own custom IV Therapy and Supplement Protocol. These therapies help alleviate return Covid-19 symptoms and to assist with Long Haul Covid-19 sufferers. Make an appointment and ask our physicians about your therapy options!

IV Therapy
Long Haul
Covid-19 Therapy
  • Corrects glutathione deficiency
  • Mitochondrial insufficiency
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Long Haul Covid-19 Therapy works, to restore and reenergize the body, while resolving long haul covid-19 symptoms that drag you down.

This allows you to recover and get on with your life!

Find Out More....
Book An Appointment
  • Find out if you are a candidate for treatment.
  • Discuss which treatment is right for your needs.
  • Ask questions about therapies and get answers.
  • Want it now? Some are same day treatments.

After your appointment: if time allows, some treatments may be available the same day or schedule for a later date. We charge an office visit and begin your treatment, to get you back to living!