Environmental Toxins

Environmental toxins are substances and organisms that can be found in air, water, food, and other common places in our environment that disparagingly affect health and proper body functions.
Environmental Toxins
Chemical Toxins:
- Organic & Inorganic Compounds (Industrial Products & Pesticides)
- Heavy Metals (Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Asbestos & Cadmium)
Biological Organisms:
- Phytotoxins (Food, Plants, Fruits)
- Mycotoxins (Fungi, Mold)
- Algae toxins (Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae)
- Sunlight,
- x-rays,
- radio waves,
- Particle Radiation (Alpha, Beta, Neutron Particles)
Infectious Disease:
- Neurotropic viruses
- Bacteria (Diphtheric Toxin)
- Protozoa (Malaria)
Air Pollutants:
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon di oxide
- Sulphur di oxide
- Lead
- Ozone
- Particulate matter